Tuesday, February 2, 2010

Army Crawlin'!

Steph and I have held the long standing belief that this child will not crawl. It seems that we've been mistaken- sort of. In the last four days, all of that has changed immensely.

There's not a lot to add... I'll include several videos showing the progression. If we could all only learn to move this fast.


  1. Cousins, and little cousin! Man I'm so proud of you guys.

    Boden is hilarious and quite entertaining to look at. I woke up this morning and everyone in my room is sleeping, but I started watching the video of him attacking your foot with vibrating spit lips and started laughing loudly out loud! haha I think I woke up a few of the team mates. It's so fun to see him growing. 2 more months and I'm driving straight up to the Petersburg house and getting me some real life Boden entertainment!

    Love you guys!

  2. Hi Steph and Ty.
    Great blog / super videos of Boden. How cute he is!!!

    What a surprise to see U in court today, Ty!

  3. ALOHA again Steph and Ty.
    Don't seem to have yr regular email addies, so just a short note here to let you know, that our Sara has finished creating the new website for The Edu Fund for Dpt. of Wildlife.
    You can check it out at:


    We drove by Musse''s house yesterday and saw the "For Sale" sign - made us very sad!!

    How did it go in court, Ty?

    OXOXox, Margrethe
